What to Look for in a Web Design Agency
Every business considering a new website or website redesign will be asking themselves this question. If you don't choose the one that best suits you, it can set you back in both time and money. With many options being available nowadays from local web design suppliers to international suppliers, it's hard to know where to begin. On one end of the scale there are inexperienced web designers or freelance web designers and even scam businesses that make promises but don't follow through. And on the opposite end there are many reputable and well established web design agencies like ourselves who have been in business for over 20 years. In addition to this, there are cheaper options available which provides a package that includes a basic website with hosting for a yearly fee. However, these rarely end up being cheaper as usually there are additional fees required for add on services that are necessary for your website to run. Buy cheap, buy twice! Don't be taken in by a l...